Create an Aesthetically Pleasing Journal/Planner or Book That’s Easy to Sell!

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Originally $1,395.00


Who This Course is Made For

Do you have a burning desire to write your own book, share your story with the world or create a custom journal for your business? Perhaps you’ve tried multiple planners and just can’t seem to find one that fits all of your needs.

Or better yet, you’ve already created a journal or book but it just doesn’t have the quality that you expected or desired.

Did you go through a publishing company who took all of your knowledge, kept majority of your royalties and left you with 20 books or journals to try and profit from?

Have you searched high and low but you just can’t seem to figure out how or where to start with self-publishing… Clueless about where to find a printing manufacturer in the U.S. or overseas and how to communicate with them?

Perhaps you're a Coach like me and want to create a tool for your clients to be successful!

If any of the above sound like you, then this is the perfect course for you.  


This course will provide you step by step instructions to self-publish a premium hardcover high-quality journal/planner or book that will easily convert into sales.
One like mine, that has earned me an additional 4 to 5-figure salary a month and 5-6-figures a year. Landed me in The City Magazine, opened the door to multiple speaking engagements, and continues to thrive.

Allow the quality and aesthetics of your journal or book to entice your audience not only to buy, but to read.

This course will provide you with lessons on:

  • How to create your rough draft
  • Steps to have a professional interior & cover design created
  • How to choose quality features for your book with detailed explanation on binding, size and paper types
  • Step by step guide for obtaining an ISBN
  • Step by step guide to submit your publication to an overseas manufacturer
  • Knowledge on importing, exporting and customs taxes
  • A Vendors list of 27 printing manufacturers
  • Email templates to ask the right questions when working with your manufacturer
  • Step by Step instructions on working with overseas manufacturers
  • Instructions on selecting the best manufacturer
  • Instructions on how to process payments overseas



Once you have completed this course, you will have the tools needed to go from idea to published Author.

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Still unsure if this investment is right for you, I’m offering you the ability to see and feel the quality of journals I’ve been able to produce over the years. Order a copy now to inspect the paper quality, binding and layout that I will teach you how to produce for yourself.

Sample Journal


Premium Hardcover A5 Journal

Order a Sample Journal


Nikela “Nikki” Kelley is a Wife, Mother, Accountability Coach, (The Goal Accountability Program®) and officer in the United States Army.

In 2019 Nikki decided to extend her reach and impart her goal strategizing skills into women who have the desire, but need the consistency and accountability to put their goals in line with family, career and the thousands of other priorities that face them daily. This was done through the She Has Goals® Journal.

As of 2022 the She Has Goals® Journal has become globally recognized as the #1 Journal for accountability and consistency on the market and continues to propel women towards goal accomplishment daily.

The She Has Goals® Brand has since transformed into full-scale operations through her company Kelley’s Prints, shipping to customers all across the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions